I have been a yoga student practicing with Marie for a little over a year and the benefits for me have been great. Practicing yoga has provided me with increased flexibility, greater balance, and increased dexterity which are all really important once you reach your senior years. Learning proper yoga breathing techniques has allowed me to take fuller, deeper breaths helping with stress reduction, anxiety control, and concentration. The classes are non-competitive, a great way to socialize and boost confidence all at the same time.
For those of you who have not tried yoga, I highly recommend it. - Karen P.
I would be happy to share with others that I like being in your Yoga Class at the Kroc Center. You are very inclusive in your approach with everyone attending. You give clear and understandable directions and you demonstrate the various yoga moves. It makes me feel livelier and more limber and I like being in your class. Thank you for your encouragement and kindness. -Dorothy S.
Marie is always aware of the limited capabilities of some of her students due to pain and adapts her yoga class to those individual needs.
- Carol L.
I do enjoy your class very much. I wish I could make it to class every week, but I cannot. So I come as often as I can and feel exercised and renewed each time I complete your sessions. Thank you for all your hard work and enjoyable lessons. - Patricia L.
I always look forward to your yoga classes. You are personable and informative, on different health issues and how yoga can help us with this. You are very good at helping people at different levels of physical needs at the yoga class. I admire and respect you very much. Thank you for all I have learned from you. I find I am using a lot of your lessons at home and wherever I am that I need to use them.
Your thankful student. - Alby D.
I enjoy my YOGA classes very much, which helped me feel better and improved my healing after my hip fracture and still today I'm so thankful that I can be active and do all that I can for myself and my work with TUPPERWARE. YOGA helped me feel better all over and keeps me going at my age of almost 83yrs. Thanks so much. - Joan D. www.my.tupperware.com/joandavis
I have been a yoga student practicing with Marie for a little over a year and the benefits for me have been great. Practicing yoga has provided me with increased flexibility, greater balance, and increased dexterity which are all really important once you reach your senior years. Learning proper yoga breathing techniques has allowed me to take fuller, deeper breaths helping with stress reduction, anxiety control, and concentration. The classes are non-competitive, a great way to socialize and boost confidence all at the same time.
For those of you who have not tried yoga, I highly recommend it. - Karen P.
I would be happy to share with others that I like being in your Yoga Class at the Kroc Center. You are very inclusive in your approach with everyone attending. You give clear and understandable directions and you demonstrate the various yoga moves. It makes me feel livelier and more limber and I like being in your class. Thank you for your encouragement and kindness. -Dorothy S.
Marie is always aware of the limited capabilities of some of her students due to pain and adapts her yoga class to those individual needs.
- Carol L.
I do enjoy your class very much. I wish I could make it to class every week, but I cannot. So I come as often as I can and feel exercised and renewed each time I complete your sessions. Thank you for all your hard work and enjoyable lessons. - Patricia L.
I always look forward to your yoga classes. You are personable and informative, on different health issues and how yoga can help us with this. You are very good at helping people at different levels of physical needs at the yoga class. I admire and respect you very much. Thank you for all I have learned from you. I find I am using a lot of your lessons at home and wherever I am that I need to use them.
Your thankful student. - Alby D.
I enjoy my YOGA classes very much, which helped me feel better and improved my healing after my hip fracture and still today I'm so thankful that I can be active and do all that I can for myself and my work with TUPPERWARE. YOGA helped me feel better all over and keeps me going at my age of almost 83yrs. Thanks so much. - Joan D. www.my.tupperware.com/joandavis